Fave Quote: Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. (John C. Maxwell)
Personal Leadership Qualities: Empowers through distribution of leadership; accessible for support; continually strives for personal excellence
Reflection: Transforming learning involves a large collective; I look for opportunity to develop each teacher’s leadership. For some, it is in smaller ways that they can contribute– initiatives and projects. For others, it is my active practice to encourage and mentor them into formal leadership. For students, it is working with them to develop their own self-advocacy and leadership capacity. For all, it is imperative that I role model as an effective leader who inspires, encourages, and motivates. That includes being a team member and contributing to areas that may not be expected.
Next Steps: Seek multiple methods of influence and implementation of innovative methods to promote all learners to immerse in leadership opportunities.
- Principal’s Advisory Committee (monthly meetings with student representatives on learning and school culture)
- Student Leadership Collaboration (Alberta Student Leadership Conference – ASLC 2018 hosted at school)
- Facilitated two workshops for Females in leadership at ASLC 2018
- Formal Leadership Mentoring & Presenting (APs and Administrative Leadership Program participants)
- Presentations to University of Lethbridge Leadership cohorts
- Informal Mentoring; Motivational Presentations